1. "Select IMG files". Note: MapSet Toolkit will only recognize .img files with a numerical filename. If you rename the file with a non-numerical name, it won't show up.
2. "Add". You can add multiple .img files as part of a single set of files.
3.Chose the same directory that contained the .img file as the "Mapset directory" to be used.
4. Assigned a name to the mapset, "Japan".
5. Chose a 4-digit "Product Code" number (ex: "8765") or "Family ID" (ex: "810"); the only limitation is that it not conflict with any other product codes (which are displayed in the "Uninstall Mapset" box at the right).
6. You can enter copyright info if appropriate, but it's not required here.
7. At lower left, chose the directory where cgpsmapper.exe is located (usually the C:\Program Files\cGPSmapper directory), and selected the cgpsmapper.exe file.
8. The "Convert (Product>Families)" section was left blank; more information about Family ID and TYP files is available in the cgpsmapper manual.
9. Checked the box marked "Install in MapSource". Checking "Blank overview maps" will eliminate the map preview in MapSource, but I can't think of a good reason to do that.
10. Clicked "Start", and shortly thereafter got a message box saying "Convert termined" (sic).
11. In the "Uninstall Mapset" section, there's now a new listing for the added map.